The SCS750® Single Board Computer is DDC's answer to the space industry's need for both mid- and high-performance computing, and on-board data processing requiring the upmost data management and manipulation on the spacecraft, which requires a large amount of processing power. The SCS750® SBC enables satellite designs to dramatically increase error-free, on-board data processing, mission planning, and critical decision-making.
The SCS750® SBC has been designed to operate in a cPCI system targeting high performance computing for the most demanding space applications. Its design decisions have been driven by a guarantee of the highest reliability and performance. DDC has developed a comprehensive strategy to provide total dose, latch-up, and upset hardness for the SCS750® SBC.
- Proven in space TRL-9
- Best Single Event Performance
- Seamless Error Correction
- Wide Range of Processing Power
- Highest Design Margin
- Wide range of operating capability:
- 200 1800 MIPS
- 7 30 watts typical
- Speed and power settings can be managed via software in real time; no reboot required.
- Outstanding SBC radiation hardness
- TID greater than 100 krad (Si)
- SEU hard
- SEL immune
- Standard development platform VxWorks®