BU-65596 4通道军标1553 加固PMC板卡

The BU-65596F/M MIL-STD-1553 PMC card is engineered for harsh environments and utilizes a 1553 ASIC design to achieve very high reliability (MTBF) with very low power dissipation and can be used in conduction or air cooled applications to easily add 1553 capabilities to systems.
- Rugged PMC Design for Harsh Environments
- Field Proven Reliable Technology with Over 200 Million Hours of In-Flight Performance
- Backwards Compatible with ACE and Enhanced Mini-ACE® (EMACE) Architecture
- Software Compatible with BU-65566G Card
- Save Time, Reduce Costs, and Minimize Risk:
- Common Software API for both DDC Test and Embedded Products for Rapid Prototyping with Less Programming Time
- Program in Minutes with BusTrACEr Automated Application Source Code Generation
- Mission Computers
- Displays
- Digital Data Recorders
- Radar Systems/Situational Awareness
- Communication Radios
- Ground Maintenance
- Commercial Aerospace
- Front or Rear I/O PMC
- Shock and Vibration per VITA-47 Class V3 for Conduction-Cooled Applications
- Conforms to ANSI VITA 20-2005 CCPMC Spec.
- Leaded and RoHS Compliant Ordering Options
- Extremely High MTBF Due to ASIC Design
- Up to 4 Dual Redundant MIL-STD-1553 Channels
- BC, RT, MT, or RT/MT Operation
- Supports MIL-STD-1553A/B and MIL-STD-1760
- Transformer and/or Direct Coupled
- BC Disable Pin for RT Only Applications
- Tx Inhibit Pin for MT Only Applications
- MIL-STD-1760 RT Auto Boot Pin
- 2 External RT Address Inputs
- Up to 16 Avionics Discrete I/O
- Certifiable to DO-254