DEI1282/1284 8通道BIT可编程GND/OPN & 28V/OPN 离散接口集成电路
- Eight discrete inputs
- Individually configurable as either GND/OPEN or 28V/OPEN(GND) inputs.
- Input threshold and hysteresis per AirBus ABD0100H specification.
- GND/OPEN mode: 4.5V/10.5V threshold, 3V hysteresis
- 28V/OPEN mode: 6V/12V threshold, 3V hysteresis
- 1mA input current to prevent dry relay contacts.
- Internal isolation diodes
- Inputs protected from Lightning Induced Transients per DO160F, Section 22, Cat A3 and B3
- 1284 version supports higher lightning levels and input filtering via use of off-chip input resistors
- Withstands inadvertent application of 115VAC/400Hz power
- Built-in Test (BIT) to test internal circuits including input comparator
- Serial I/O interface to read data register and write configuration register
- Direct interface to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) port.
- TTL/CMOS compatible inputs and Tristate output
- 8.6MHz Max Data Rate
- Serial input to expand Shift Register
- Logic Supply Voltage (VCC): 3.3V +/-5%
- Analog Supply Voltage (VDD): 12V to 16.5V
- 16L SOIC EP package