SCS750G4 航天应用单板计算机(SpaceWire,NAND闪存版本)

SCS740G4 航天应用单板计算机
DDC's space-proven SCS750® Single Board Computer, featuring the best single event performance, seamless error correction, a wide range of processing power, and the highest design margin, is now available with SpaceWire and NAND Flash. Since inception, more than 15 years ago, our electronic components and single board computers have experienced zero failures in space!
- Proven in space: TRL-9
- Wide Range of Operating Capability
- 200 to 1800 MIPS
- 7 to 30 Watts Typical
- Outstanding SBC Radiation Hardness
- TID Greater than 100krad (Si)
- SEU Hard; 1 Board Upset Every 80/115 Years (GEO/LEO)
- SEL Immune
- VxWorks, RTEMS, and Linux Development Platforms
- 4 SpaceWire Ports
- Up to 200Mbps Each
- Optional 1553 Interface Available
- 64 GBytes of BCH Corrected NAND Flash