As of the date of this notice, the new DDC logo or equivalent will be applied to DDC part labels/markings for all new products designed and launched after the date of this notification, and will be phased in over time to be applied to existing products.
自本通知颁布日起, 新的DDC标志将会应用于所有新设计以及新发行DDC产品的标签上. 并将会根据时间分阶段在现有产品上施行.
Depending on the date code of the production lots shipped, you may receive the same parts with either the new logo or the former logo applied to the part label/marking. This label/marking update does not alter in any way the original form, fit, function, or reliability of the product. Note: DDC products may have a part label/marking with the new DDC logo printed as a complete graphic as shown in figure 1a, or as the slanted letters DDC for smaller products as shown in figure 1b, or with our former logo as displayed in figure 1c.
依据产品发货批次, 您可能会遇到同一个型号采用新Logo标签或者采用旧Logo标签的情况. 这次标签的更新不会更改产品的外形, 尺寸, 功能以及可靠性. 注意: DDC产品标签将会有 1) DDC新Logo将会以完整图像(如图figure 1a)出现在产品标签上, 2) 或者以倾斜的DDC字母(如图figure 1b)出现在小尺寸产品上, 3)或者采用DDC旧Logo(如图figure 1c)
Figure 1a – New DDC Logo (complete graphic)
Figure 1b – New DDC Logo for Smaller Products (text only)
Figure 1c – Former DDC Logo (still active and valid)
Reason for Change: The DDC logo was redesigned and launched on July 26, 2019.
更改原因: DDC新Logo于2019年7月26日被重新设计并发布.
Impact on form, fit, function or reliability: The changes described in this PCN do not impact form, fit, function, or reliability of the product.
对于外形, 尺寸, 功能或者可靠性的影响: 这次更改不影响产品的外形, 尺寸, 功能以及可靠性.
List of Affected Part Number(s) and Changed Part Identification: All DDC part numbers are affected by this PCN. Note: The illustration shown in Figure 2 is a generic example intended to show the information contained within the device part marking.
如何分辨型号改动部分: 所有的DDC型号都会受这次变更的影响. 注意: 插图Figure 2展示了一个器件标签所包括的信息的通用例子.
Figure 2 Generic Part Marking Drawing
Phase-in of New Logo: As of the date of this notice, DDC will ship products with either the former DDC logo or the new DDC logo, and begin transitioning all product labels/markings over time to the new logo.
新Logo将分阶段施行: 自本通知颁布日起, DDC发货的产品中将会出现既有DDC旧Logo同时也有DDC新Logo的情况, 但随着时间的推移所有的产品标签都将过渡到新Logo.
Data Device Corporation is committed to providing excellence in customer service and support.
For any question regarding this Product Change Notice, please contact your local DDC sales office or go to http://www.ddc-web.com/ContactUs/Sales/Default.aspx.
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