- Data Device Corporation
- Device Engineering Inc
- Beta Transformer Technology Corp (BTTC)/North Hills Signal Processing
CDA/B/C/G/H-120 120 Watt DC/DC Converter

Input Voltage Range: 18-40 Volts dc
CDA-120: 5V@24A
CDB-120: 0+/-12V@5A
CDC-120: 0+/-15V@4A
CDG-120: 12V@10A
CDH-120: 15V@8A
Isolation: Input to Output >10 Mohms@500Vdc
Input to Chassis >10 Mohms@500Vdc
Output to Chassis >10 Mohms@500Vdc
Efficiency: Not less than 70% at full load, 28 volts dc input and at 25 deg C
ambient temperature.
The units are designed to meet the following requirements of MIL STD 461C, Part 2, category A1b: CE01, CE03, CS01, CS02, CS06, RE02, RS02, RS03.
Operating Temperature: -40 deg C to +100 deg C
Storage Temperature: -55 deg C to +125 deg C
Weight: max 575 grms