- Data Device Corporation
- Device Engineering Inc
- Beta Transformer Technology Corp (BTTC)/North Hills Signal Processing
DEI1054 Six Channel Discrete-to-Digital Interface Sensing 28 Volt/Open


The DEI1054 is a six channel discrete-to-digital interface BiCMOS device. It senses six 28V/Open discrete signals of the type
commonly found in avionics systems. The inverted outputs are TTL/CMOS compatible and are enabled via the CE and OE
pins. The input pins of this small, 16-lead narrow body SOIC device are lightning protected to meet the requirements of
DO160D waveforms 3, 4, and 5, level 3. See figures 5-7.
With its reliability, low cost, operating range, and lightning protection, the DEI1054 meets a large variety of interface
requirements for aerospace and industrial applications.