- Data Device Corporation
- Device Engineering Inc
- Beta Transformer Technology Corp (BTTC)/North Hills Signal Processing

Input Voltage Range: 18-40 Volts dc
DC Outputs: 5V@2A; 15V@0.4A; -15V@0.4A
Input Power Characteristics: MIL STD. 704E, transients as pre Fig 9, including voltage spikes specified in MIL-E6051. DEF STAN 61-5 Part 6 (A1, A2, B1, B2). MIL STD 1275A, excluding the single fault condition, survival only.
Isolation: Input to Output >10 Mohms+@500Vdc
Input to Chassis >10 Mohms+@500Vdc
Output to Chassis >10 Mohms+@100Vdc
Efficiency: Not less than 75% at full load, 28 volts dc input and at 25 deg C
ambient temperature.
Load Line and Temperature Regulation: +/- 2% of output voltage
Minimum Load Condition: 5% of maximum current on prime output.
Output Protection:
Output is protected against indefinite overload and short circuit.
Power limiting circuitry operates at 110%-130% of full rated power.
Output voltage recovers automatically when the overload is removed.
O/P PARD: 50mV pk-pk DC -20 MHz
Under Voltage Lockout: To protect internal circuits against low input voltages, the converters will not operate below an input voltage of 15V dc.
The units are designed to meet the following requirements of MIL STD 461C, Part 2, category A1b: CE01, CE03, CS01, CS02, CS06, RE02, RS02, RS03.
Operating Temperature: -40 deg C to +80 deg C case temperature
Storage Temperature: -55 deg C to +90 deg C
Dimensions: 74 x 51 x 13mm
Weight: 100 grms
MTBF (predicted): 100,000 Hours AIF 50 deg. C
Shock: 20g for 30 ms, 40g for 9mS
Start up: <50ms from application of input power
Output inhibit functions by connecting INHIBIT pin to 28V return